
Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Ad Agencies Point Out the Major B2B Marketing Trends that will Dominate 2017

Business-to-business marketing is a challenge unlike any other. After all, coming up with a campaign that gets the CEOs, CFOs, and COOs of a company to say, “yes,” is an immensely daunting task.

What’s more, B2B marketing, like all marketing, is a fast-paced, blink-and-you’ll-miss-it industry. To keep your edge during 2017, check out some of these B2B marketing trends that will dominate the year.

Executive Branding

Believe it or not, your company’s executives may be your biggest source of credibility—and the crucial factor that might turn an inquiry into a sale. Look no further than the savvy, turtleneck-wearing Steve Jobs, who served as the poster boy of Apple’s renewed mission to personalize technology with devices such as the iPod, iPhone, and iPad.

People bought these devices because they believed in Jobs—and the same thing applies to B2B marketing, perhaps even more so. After all, B2B goods often cost millions of dollars per contract. So, your client needs to know who he or she is buying from and if this person—and by extension, his company—is trustworthy. Read more from this blog:

Monday, February 13, 2017

An Ad Agency Discusses Why E-Mail Marketing is Still Worth Doing

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the phrase “digital marketing?” Like most people, you’d likely answer Facebook. But here’s a little secret: e-mail marketing can actually be an even more effective channel than social media. Here’s why…

It’s a Numbers Game

Quick question, which channel do you think has more users: e-mail or Facebook. If you guessed the latter, we don’t blame you—many people would pick Facebook, too. But studies show that there are about 2.9 billion e-mail users around the world, about three times the number of Facebook users. If you want to reach more eyeballs, it’s hard to go wrong with e-mail marketing.

It’s The Most Personal Channel Available

Well, short of SMS messages, that is. But the fact remains that e-mail was the first social media platform, and it remains one of the most personal ones. It’s also a perfect channel for B2B marketers—after all, people don’t go to Facebook to talk about heavy machinery or sports flooring. For these niche products, prospects would rather receive personal missives where they can learn more about goods and services. Read more from this blog:

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Ad Agencies Possess and Execute the Means to Test Print Ad Effectiveness

In a world gone digital, it’s easy to forget that modern advertising started with the print ad. One of the biggest gripes companies express about this advertising medium is that its performance is difficult to track, as opposed to online ads that readily yield data such as click-throughs. That being said, there are many ways to validate the effectiveness of a print ad.

Include a Landing Page

There’s no reason why a print campaign should be confined to just a newspaper or magazine, as it can also tie into the digital world. For instance, your print ad can feature a call to action that directs people to a particular URL to find more information about your product or services. Provided you are employing no other marketing channels, the web traffic to your landing page serves a legitimate indicator of your print campaign’s effectiveness. Read more from this blog:

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Some Tricks That Advertising Agencies Use to Market Nonprofit Organizations

It doesn’t matter how great your cause is, if you can’t communicate your non-profit’s mission effectively, you will not garner the support you need. Luckily, there are many marketing strategies nonprofits can try.

Do Pay-Per-Click Campaigns—For Free!

For the uninitiated, a pay-per-click or PPC campaign involves placing ads in the search results of browsers such as Google and Bing. This is a proven way of reaching a massive audience because these ads anticipate the keywords and phrases that people use when browsing for something online.

Even better, both Microsoft and Google actually set aside around $1 billion of ad space just for nonprofits, allowing your nonprofit to run a keyword-centric campaign for free. Of course, there are some prerequisites to qualify for the program. Google, for instance, requires you to hold an AdWords account, which will limit the maximum cost-per-click of your campaign. Read more from this blog:

Friday, February 10, 2017

An Advertising Agency in Miami Will be the First to Affirm that Print is Alive and Kicking

If you’re an advertiser, you’ve probably heard that “print is dead.” But is it really? As it happens, this medium remains one of the most effective marketing channels you can use.

More Credibility

It’s no secret that print ads are more expensive than digital ones. However, this downside is actually one the biggest strengths of the print medium—the fact that your company can take out magazine and newspaper placements lends great credibility to your business. After all, how many mom-and-pop shops can afford to run such advertisements? To a reader’s mind, a company that runs print ads must be a well-established and prosperous one—just the type of company they should be patronizing. Read more from this blog:

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Advertising Agencies in Miami Point Out What Makes Content Go Viral

In the digital age, viral content is the modern equivalent of word-of-mouth advertising. But how does one exactly go about creating content that spreads like wildfire? As advertising agencies in Miami point out, viral content often shares very similar characteristics, such as the following attributes.

Inspire Awe

According to a study conducted by author Jonah Berger and Katherine Milkman of the University of Pennsylvania, articles from The New York Times that tend to go viral are those that triggered what they call “high-arousal emotions”—excitement, amusement, and awe.

In other words, content that elicits an element of the unexpected is more likely to grab someone’s attention and convince him or her to tell friends about it. As the saying goes, you can’t bore someone into buying something. Read more from this blog: