
Friday, April 28, 2017

Advertising as a Science: How Your Business can Benefit from Working with a Professional Ad Agency

Advertising as a practice is a highly creative one. It requires a lot of brainstorming in order to come up with an effective branding strategy. This strategy, in order for your business to reap the actual benefits, must first be executed and communicate well with your target audience. This is where the science part of advertising comes in.

When it comes to activating advertising campaigns, what is crucial to understand is the psychological profile of your target consumers. It is through this that you can better deliver an approach that would be accessible, relatable, and relevant to them. However, you’re a business owner and this is clearly not in your area of expertise. For this, you need to hire a professional ad agency. With their help, you can carry out a good advertising campaign with the following services: Read more on this article:

Friday, April 21, 2017

Miami Advertising Agencies on the Importance of Social Media in Ad Campaigns

Advertising is a key element to any marketing campaign, and there are various ways you can advertise for your business. The quintessential advertising methods that people usually think of regarding “advertising” include billboard ads, television and radio commercial spots and even mailers and flyers. However, in today’s constantly evolving economy, it’s important for businesses to evolve with the changing technology. Nowadays, the Internet is a daily part of most people’s lives. Consequently, it’s also become one of the most effective marketing tools available to Miami advertising agencies, or any advertising agency for that matter.

Social Media Is Hot

The social media scene is one of the hottest scenes on the Web nowadays. Almost everybody has a Facebook profile, Twitter page or other social networking account. Many people check their social networking profiles at least once a day, if not numerous times per day. This is most likely where your market is. Social media websites allow people to customize their profiles and tailor them to their interests. Read more on this article.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

When Hiring An Advertising Agency, It’s Best To Go Small

There’s no denying the role of ad agencies play in the success of a business. However, some businesses make the unfortunate mistake of ignoring small advertising agencies when they search for a company to hire for their ads. They worry that a smaller ad agency won't have as much experience as a larger agency and can't deliver the same quality.

However, a small advertising agency can deliver the best work because their existence depends on quality work. They are flexible and focused on the client's goals to find success in the industry. Backed by an inspiring company culture, a small ad agency is a force to be reckoned with in terms of quality services. Read more from this blog.

Friday, April 14, 2017

Why Advertising Agencies in Miami Are Embracing Programmatic Ad Buying

The process of buying ads and managing paid campaigns like what’s done with AdWords can be challenging for even the best advertising agencies in Miami. In addition to creating ads, the process often involves carefully tracking results and knowing when to pull campaigns that aren’t performing as expected. If you haven’t yet considered programmatic ad buying, the use of automation to buy, place, and optimize ads online, here’s why it can be a smart investment.

More Consumer-Specific Data

You’ll have more targeting capabilities with programmatic buying because of access to very specific consumer data. Ads can be placed based on different customer behaviors such as buying frequency and narrowed down to geographic areas you wish to target. The algorithms look at several different data points to determine the appropriate bidding price by analyzing whether or not traffic will likely convert with predictive modeling. You’ll also be able to better leverage your internal (company generated) and external (third party) data. Read more from this blog.