The process of buying ads and managing paid campaigns like what’s done with AdWords can be challenging for even the best advertising agencies in Miami. In addition to creating ads, the process often involves carefully tracking results and knowing when to pull campaigns that aren’t performing as expected. If you haven’t yet considered programmatic ad buying, the use of automation to buy, place, and optimize ads online, here’s why it can be a smart investment.
More Consumer-Specific Data
You’ll have more targeting capabilities with programmatic buying because of access to very specific consumer data. Ads can be placed based on different customer behaviors such as buying frequency and narrowed down to geographic areas you wish to target. The algorithms look at several different data points to determine the appropriate bidding price by analyzing whether or not traffic will likely convert with predictive modeling. You’ll also be able to better leverage your internal (company generated) and external (third party) data. Read more from this blog.
More Consumer-Specific Data
You’ll have more targeting capabilities with programmatic buying because of access to very specific consumer data. Ads can be placed based on different customer behaviors such as buying frequency and narrowed down to geographic areas you wish to target. The algorithms look at several different data points to determine the appropriate bidding price by analyzing whether or not traffic will likely convert with predictive modeling. You’ll also be able to better leverage your internal (company generated) and external (third party) data. Read more from this blog.
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